Sugarloaf Sailing Club
Duty Day Swapping

I have been notifed that I am on Duty on a day that I canonot attend. What do I do?

Please Arrange a Swap so the Club will not be Short Handed.

The Club uses an On-Line Duty Roster system specifically designed for Sailing Clubs called Dutyman.

You can arrange for emails to be sent to a single person or a group of people requesting a swap. Or you can call them by telephone. Dutyman can give you the contact details. Start by reading the following few dot points and then log into Dutyman. The link is at the bottom of this page.
  • In Dutyman, there is a panel on the right where you enter your login details.
  • If you have forgotten your password, you can click the "Need a log in reminder? Yes please button". An email will be sent to you informing you of your password. Depending on your email set up, this may take sometime.
  • Having logged in, the panel on the right will offer options. One of which is "Request a duty swap". The panel will change and offer step by step instructions for requesting swaps.

If you prefer the personal approach, look through the roster to find a day that suits you better and to find someone with the same skill set as yours eg. Rostered Duty Manager, Rescuer or General. A telephone number is provided against each name. You will find that people are happy to swap because they know that this what makes our Duty System so flexible while remaining effective. Hint: You can scroll through the entire roster by clicking on the "continuous" option, upper left.

If you have any queries about the process, you can email the club but please have a go at swapping first.

Log in to Duty Manager Here